Hi Stephanie. I recently discovered your writing and have quickly become a fan. I've started a publication that I'm hoping will become home to the best personal essays and creative nonfiction that Medium has to offer (Tell Your Story -- https://medium.com/tell-your-story). I think there's an underserved niche on Medium for this kind of work, and I'd like to try to serve it. Right now, I'm focusing on building a catalog / library of recently published work that fits the description "the best creative nonfiction on Medium". This piece certainly fits the "best" writing on Medium, and if I squint I think we could call it creative nonfiction? I noticed it is not in a publication. Would you be willing to submit it to Tell Your Story? Please feel free to email me at chris@writing-coaching.com if you'd prefer to interact that way. Thank you so much for considering this! Either way, I love your work and will be reading more... you have a new follower!