1 min readJul 16, 2019
Thank you Jay! Glad you found this useful.
RE: your question… there are two way to get paid on Medium.
- Commissioned pieces… the publication pays you a fixed amount to write for them. There’s only one pub I know that operates like this… Better Humans. Once they’ve paid you for a piece, it’s theirs and you can’t remove it.
- “Pay for performance” pieces… some (most?) publications accept ‘members only’ articles now, but it wasn’t always that way. In this arrangement, you’re basically using the pub’s reach to get more eyeballs on your piece. You’re making all of the revenue (the pub gets nothing), and you maintain all ownership rights. You can pull a piece from a publication at any time (with the exception of commissioned pieces), but be careful doing this. The publication owner gets notified when you do it and this may influence how likely they are to publish you in the future.
Does this help?
Feel free to email me at chris@writing-coaching.com if you’d like to chat more or have additional questions… easier than interacting on here.
Thanks again!